Sunday, January 10, 2016

Katie & Waffles Score Big!

WAFFLES:  Priority?! This HAS to be good!

KATIE:  You know that box is for both of us, don't you? It's our Secret Paws gift. OUR Secret Paws gift.

WAFFLES:  BOSS! This box is loaded with cool presents and stuff! 

KATIE:  For both of us, remember?

WAFFLES:  This is totally for me. 

WAFFLES:  And so is this. 

WAFFLES:  And this too. Look! it's a Waffle! On account of I'm Waffles.

KATIE:  Serenity now.

WAFFLES:  Hey, Boss. I'll borrow you the abomi-nibble snowman guy. Careful, he squeaks.

KATIE:  It's Abominable, Waffles. Not abomi-nibble.

WAFFLES:  Whatever Boss, I think he tastes pretty good.

WAFFLES:  And Boss! Check out the butterfly and bug balls! I'll borrow you the butterfly if you want! I call firsties on the bugs.

WAFFLES:  There's even CANDY. For me and for Glogirly. 

KATIE:  So much for your New Years Resolution of 'sharing' more.

Thank You to our Secret Paws!
THANK YOU to Julie and the Church Cats, Bridget, Tinker, Chopin and Anastasia. You sure know how to spoil a couple of blogging cats! ...and our girl too. We love our treats and toys SO very much. From the catnip Greenies to the freeze dried chicken (!) to the bug balls and handmade waffle toy... (and those are just a few of the cool things we received) we thank you from the bottom of our furry little hearts.

Katie & Waffles


  1. Such a nice package from your Secret Paws. Thank you for participating this year!

  2. Such a nice package from your Secret Paws. Thank you for participating this year!

  3. Wow, so many goodies there!

    Momo & Pinot from Canada

  4. Such adorable kitty cats!
    And what fun photos!!!!

    Thanks for your recent comment at

  5. Beautiful cats. Lovely photos and blog! Warm greetings from Montreal, Canada. :)

  6. MOL Katie I hope you snuck some of those goodies ;)

    Matilda (& Matt)

  7. You guys really did score!! And Waffles, look chicken!! (Quick Katie, grab the presents.)
