Yay it's Secret Paws time again!!! Our Mum has been participating in Secret Paws since 2008 when she joined it with William. She has met new cats and food people nearly every year. This year was no exception thanks to BJ Bangs who kept the tradition going! This year we met the Lonestar Cats and a few dogs too. Our Grammie in Maine just had her Westie Casper pass away right before Christmas, so seeing these Westies was nice.
Buckwheat is no stranger to receiving these yearly packages of joy and is always the first one to try to raid the box.
Look'it at all! Mum removed the ribbons and bows before she put them under the tree, because those are just too tempting to chew on.

Buckwheat tried to raid them again, even after the box was put under the tree. That silly guy!
Mum put the gifts in our stocking for presentation purposes, the stocking was a gift from another nice cat family a few years ago.
Buckwheat was purresent for the prezzints. He got to playing with a few toys before Dixie showed up.
Once everything was opened, Buckwheat was more interested in the paper than the toys. Dixie on the other hand. She found a catnip ball and made off with it ever so stealthily.
We also got this big bag of Temptations and 2 cans of Tiki Cat wet food, those will likely be enjoyed by Calvin, he much less selective of what he eats.

Again, thank you so much for the gifts Lonestar Cats! We have followed you on our Facebooks where we do all of our posting. Please feel free to follow us too. Buckwheat and Dixie Snapp