Tuesday, December 27, 2022

Secret Paws 2022 - Thanks Lonestar Cats!

Yay it's Secret Paws time again!!!   Our Mum has been participating in Secret Paws since 2008 when she joined it with William.  She has met new cats and food people nearly every year.  This year was no exception thanks to BJ Bangs who kept the tradition going!  This year we met the Lonestar Cats and a few dogs too.  Our Grammie in Maine just had her Westie Casper pass away right before Christmas, so seeing these Westies was nice.

Buckwheat is no stranger to receiving these yearly packages of joy and is always the first one to try to raid the box.  

Look'it at all!  Mum removed the ribbons and bows before she put them under the tree, because those are just too tempting to chew on.

Buckwheat tried to raid them again, even after the box was put under the tree.  That silly guy!

Mum put the gifts in our stocking for presentation purposes, the stocking was a gift from another nice cat family a few years ago.

Finally Christmas day arrived and we were allowed to see what we got!

Buckwheat was purresent for the prezzints.  He got to playing with a few toys before Dixie showed up.

Once everything was opened, Buckwheat was more interested in the paper than the toys.  Dixie on the other hand.  She found a catnip ball and made off with it ever so stealthily.

We also got this big bag of Temptations and 2 cans of Tiki Cat wet food, those will likely be enjoyed by Calvin, he much less selective of what he eats.  

Again, thank you so much for the gifts Lonestar Cats!   We have followed you on our Facebooks where we do all of our posting.  Please feel free to follow us too. Buckwheat and Dixie Snapp

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Kitties Blue Receive Secret Paws from Katzenworld

Once again we pawticipated in the Secret Paws gift exchange organized by Truffle and Brûlée and Mom Paula. We really appreciate all their hard work in setting this up each year.
Our gifts this year came all the way from the U.K. and the Katzenworld gang. The box was chock full of toys from their shop as well as a super cute “Oliver, Nubia & Snowball” mug for mom.
Most of the toys are filled with either catnip or valerian. We have not had valerian before so we will have a new experience playing with these toys. We let you know what we think in a future post.
Of course, not all of us showed up for the opening ceremony. But those who didn't (Giulietta, Astrid and Lisbeth) will get plenty of opportunity to try out and play with all the goodies.

Secret Paws gifts

Mauricio really enjoyed the gingerbread man with valerian. And he's already taken one of the big grey mousies upstair for some night-time play. Only the best toys get dragged from one floor to another!

Secret Paws gifts

Of course, Mom did not open all the toys for us. Even with seven Kitties Blue, it would be too much all at once. We know she'll be doling them out over the next few months.
Sorry our photos are sort of blurry. It's hard to sit still when kitty stimulants are involved!
All of us are sending great big kitty kisses and a huge T-H-A-N-K Y-O-U to Oliver, Nubia and their humans for the terrific gifts.
To see other Secret Paws posts, click on "Secret Paws" in the first paragraph.
Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


Cheshire Kitten And Family In Christnip Bliss

Dear Waffles, Katie, and Glogirly,

Thank you so much! We are so happy with our gifts!

Something for everyone: nip toys, chicken treats, balls, tea accessories, TISSUE PAPER, and a BOX. (Some of our other presents got mixed in with the cool stuff Katie and Waffles sent, like the beachball.)

We had two unboxings, one downstairs on Christmas and one upstairs on Boxing Day.

Cheddar started the party with the nip banana.

I got to play with the nip Christmas tree before anyone else.
Bleu tried to fit in the box, but he is a BIG kitty, so although he had fun trying, he did not succeed. He played with the banana instead.

Nutmeg had the most fun with the nip tree.

Becket watched her from the safety of Upstairs Human's bed.

Colby wasn't sure what to make of everything at first.

Belle, Huck and Sparkle got lots of freeze-dried chicken treats.

Thank you, Truffle and Brulee, for making Secret Paws happen!

Happy New Year, Everyone!

Sunday, January 10, 2016

Katie & Waffles Score Big!

WAFFLES:  Priority?! This HAS to be good!

KATIE:  You know that box is for both of us, don't you? It's our Secret Paws gift. OUR Secret Paws gift.

WAFFLES:  BOSS! This box is loaded with cool presents and stuff! 

KATIE:  For both of us, remember?

WAFFLES:  This is totally for me. 

WAFFLES:  And so is this. 

WAFFLES:  And this too. Look! it's a Waffle! On account of I'm Waffles.

KATIE:  Serenity now.

WAFFLES:  Hey, Boss. I'll borrow you the abomi-nibble snowman guy. Careful, he squeaks.

KATIE:  It's Abominable, Waffles. Not abomi-nibble.

WAFFLES:  Whatever Boss, I think he tastes pretty good.

WAFFLES:  And Boss! Check out the butterfly and bug balls! I'll borrow you the butterfly if you want! I call firsties on the bugs.

WAFFLES:  There's even CANDY. For me and for Glogirly. 

KATIE:  So much for your New Years Resolution of 'sharing' more.

Thank You to our Secret Paws!
THANK YOU to Julie and the Church Cats, Bridget, Tinker, Chopin and Anastasia. You sure know how to spoil a couple of blogging cats! ...and our girl too. We love our treats and toys SO very much. From the catnip Greenies to the freeze dried chicken (!) to the bug balls and handmade waffle toy... (and those are just a few of the cool things we received) we thank you from the bottom of our furry little hearts.

Katie & Waffles
from GLOGIRLY.com

Thursday, January 7, 2016


Secret Paws Gifts Received

It took us until a couple of days after Christmas to finally convince Mom to let us open our Secret Paws gifts. We know she wasn't trying to be mean. We know she and Dad were super busy with Fiona and not in a very festive mood.
Let us tell you...it was worth the wait. We've never seen such a treasure trove of goodies all at one time. But before we show you the prezzies, we want to reveal who our Secret Paws gift giver was.

Secret Paws 2015

Except for Astrid, who watched from the dining room table, we all got involved in checking out the loot. Even Fiona felt well enough to purrticipate.

secret paws 2014

secret paws 2015
secret paws 2015We received treats, noms, and lots of toys, including a wand toy with purple feathers and a bird toy that chirps. We also got this Snacky Snowman. We had the treats out of it within seconds. There also was a beautiful green Christmas stocking and cozy blanket (shown here with Mom's gifts: a bracelet, holiday pin and small hinged box with angel cat.) The blue-eyed, white kitty looks just like our angel brofur, Madison, which touched Mom's heart.
We love all our gifts and send special thanks to Samantha and her mom for taking such care in choosing the most wonderful presents.

Secret Paws Gifts Sent

We agreed this year to be matched with a Secret Paws purrticipant located outside the U.S. We were so excited when we were matched with dear New Zealand friends, DashKitten. Mom was late to mail and was certain they wouldn't get their gifts until after Christmas, but we received word that they arrived on Christmas Eve. Mom Marjorie has posted photos of a couple items on their blog. That was nice, as our empty-headed mom only took a photo after she had wrapped everything.

Secret Paws 2015

Do you like the wrapping paper Mom had made for us? It matched our Christmas card, which she actually got in the mail today. For those of you who live outside the U.S., we figure you might get your card in time for Valentine's Day. In the next few days, while our dad is watching football, Mom will do her best to get our e-mail cards sent.
We want to thank Truffle, Brûlée and Mom Paula (Sweet Purrfections) for all the hard work they do to set up the Secret Paws gift exchange.

SecretPaws2015 ParticipantSidebarBadge

Purrs and paw-pats, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo


Our Secret Paw - from DOWN UNDER!

Faraday here, with our 2015 SECRET PAW UPDATE!

This year, we received two amazing, fun-filled packages from the sunny Land of Down Under: from our friends d'Artagnan Rumblepurr and Diego 'Hamlet' Moonfur, of the blog Rumblebum!

They sent one package directly to us, and sent another package to us shipped from Baby Patches' online pet store, Nip and Bones.  SCORE!

Check it out! We got WAND Toys (a REAL Da Bird which somekitty might have already deaded but we won't point paws).

AAAND all the way from new Zealand, we gotted freeze dried deliciousness, too!

And an amazingly PINK Yeeeooowww toy Allie immediately claimed (gee we wonder WHY?!?).
Rumor has it that somekitty was too *ahem* stoned to be reached for comment.

Although some roving repurrter may have caught her in a bit of a spat with Maxie over the OTHER wand toy....

Thank you SO much, Rumbles & Hammy! 
We looooove the WHOLE Megillah!
